专栏名称: 猛犸君侯
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猛犸君侯  · 微博  · 教育  · 2019-11-27 20:06
2019-11-27 20:06 本条微博链接 【连载】【纪录片.宇宙的奥秘:科学巨匠自述.Secrets.of.The.Universe.Great.Scientists.in.Their.Own.Words.2014】浩渺宇宙隐藏最深秘密,吸引无数天才头脑去研究去预想时间和空间的本质。爱因斯坦、霍金,本片记录20世纪科学巨人的成就和自述。A站英字+1080已发。官网简介:The story of the greatest physicists of the 20th century and the discoveries they made, told in their own words. Revealing archive provides a unique insight into their lives.Film telling the story of th ………………………………

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