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中国日报双语新闻  · 公众号  ·  · 2021-04-01 11:05
“呼叫81192,这里是553,我奉命接替你机执行巡航任务,请返航!”“81192收到,我已无法返航,你们继续前进,你们继续前进!”每年的4月1日,“81192”这组数字都会刷屏。数字的背后,是一个刻骨铭心的故事……20年前的今天,在浩渺无垠的南海碧空里,年仅33岁的海军航空兵飞行员王伟驾驶81192号战机,拦截侵犯我南海领空的美军侦察机,再也没有返航。Every year on April 1, many Chinese online users commemorate the passing of Chinese air force pilot Wang Wei who died when his fighter jet collided with a US military reconnaissance aircraft in the South China Sea.The 81192 was sent to intercept the US spy craft within a proclaimed Chinese exclusive economic zone (EEZ) when the collision occurred and killed Chinese Lieutenant Commander Wang Wei, pilot of the 81192. ………………………………

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