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#英语学习#英语俗语: Comfort Zone

美国驻华大使馆  · 公众号  ·  · 2021-04-28 16:04
#English Study# Idiom:Comfort Zone#English Study#Your comfort zone describes places or situations where you feel comfortable and in control. Examples include your home, workplace, favorite restaurant, and city or region. Someone who travels a lot and opens themselves up to new experiences is probably okay with leaving their comfort zone sometimes.How about you? Have you ever been challenged to leave your comfort zone before? What was the situation?#AmericanEnglish#舒适区是你感到舒适和能掌控的地方或情况。例如,你的家、工作场所、最喜欢的餐馆、城市或地区。一个经常旅行并对新的体验敞开心扉的人很可能不介意离开自己的舒适区。你呢?你是否曾经面临挑战,离开过你的舒适区?当时又是什么情况呢?#AmericanEnglish# ………………………………

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