专栏名称: MedWorld器械世界
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The Future of (Digital) Surgery

MedWorld器械世界  · 公众号  · 医学  · 2019-08-06 06:30
Medworld器械世界为您提供准确、及时、有效的医疗器械行业及医疗圈的市场动态,产品信息,技术进展等资讯!来源:Digital Health of MMDIBy:Partha S. Anbil, Michael T. Ricci, and Stephanie SarofianThe fastest growing segment of the U.S. population comprises individuals who are over age 65. Their numbers are expected to increase 53.2% by 2020 and will result in significantly increased demands for surgical services. Recent analyses have predicted increases in service demands to be as high as 14–47% in all surgical fields by 2020, according to the National Center for Biotechnology Information.Four trends are shaping such demand for surgical services:Demographic shifts and changing consumer preferences are shaping care in the following ways:Growing rates of chronic illnesses continue to fuel (complex) inpatient growth.Population shifts are po ………………………………

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