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英式没品笑话百科  · 公众号  ·  · 2021-11-25 21:00
       ☆ My wife said I need to grow up. I was speechless.. It's hard to say anything when you have 45 gummy bears in your mouth 老婆说我应该长大了,我一句话都说不出。 嘴里含着45颗小熊软糖的时候,真的很难开口讲话。——KamikazeMachine☆I once gave my husband the silent treatment for an entire week. When it was over, he said: “We got along really well there for a while!” 有一次我和丈夫冷战了一星期,结束的时候,他对我说: “我们这段时间相处得不错啊!”——nikan69☆Just seen a TV advert that said no child should be abused online.Couldn't agree more. In person is much more fun. 我刚看到一个电视广告,呼吁不要让孩子遭受网络上的暴力。 我非常同意,毕竟当面使用暴力更有趣一些。——WTD☆Those who believe that Eddie redmayne's role in The ………………………………

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