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小小推拉驴  · 公众号  ·  · 2017-12-19 08:25
论唯唱诗篇、韵律诗篇及其译本Brian Schwertley on Exclusive psalmody, the metrical Psalms, and Translation作者:布莱恩牧师 译:杭州王驹A rather common argument against exclusive psalmody is based on the assumption that metrical versions of the Psalms for singing (i.e., the Psalms are translated in a manner so they can be set to music and thus are made to rhyme, etc) are really not translations of the Psalms but are at best gross paraphrases of the original Hebrew.  Thus, it is argued that the singing of metrical Psalms is little or no different than singing uninspired hymns which are based on Scripture or which teach redemptive history.  In other words, both are human compositions and if one is permissible then so is the other.不赞成唯唱诗篇者有一个相当普遍的观点,它是建立在一个假设前提之上,此假设认为,为 ………………………………

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