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优化支付服务·使用指南篇 |【四川】外籍来川人员支付指南

中国人民银行  · 公众号  · 银行  · 2024-04-12 09:00
Welcome to Sichuan! We provide five types of payment services, including payment with overseas bank cards, mobile payment, cash payment, e-CNY payment and payment with domestic bank cards. Please refer to this guide to choose your preferred payment method.欢迎来到四川!我们为您提供境外银行卡刷卡、移动支付、人民币现金、数字人民币、境内银行卡刷卡五种支付服务,您可以参考本指南选择您的支付方式。Wish you a pleasant stay in Sichuan!诚挚祝愿您在四川过得愉快!扫描图中二维码 进入互动页面来源:中国人民银行四川省分行 ………………………………

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