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小词详解 | cram

田间小站  · 公众号  ·  · 2021-12-13 08:45
cram 英 [kræm] 美 [kræm]TOEFL TEM4 TEM8 GRE外刊例句Although it does lead to congested traffic and crowded airports, there is something to be said for the European tradition of cramming everyone’s holidays into August.虽然集中放假确实会导致道路和机场拥挤,但欧洲把假期都安排在8月的传统还是有好处的。——《经济学人》We get going at 11 a.m. because we have no other choice if we’re to cram in all the necessary appetizers — and what I’ve described above isn’t even half of them — before we sit down to the main meal.我们得在上午11点出发,否则在坐下来吃正餐之前就没时间塞下所有非吃不可的开胃菜(我上面描述的那些甚至还不到其中的一半)。——《纽约时报》基本释义[verb] completely fill (a place or container) to the point that it appears to be overflowing[动 ………………………………

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