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中国日报双语新闻  · 公众号  ·  · 2018-12-13 16:19
据中国驻加拿大使馆消息,12月12日,一位加拿大市民专程来到中国驻加使馆,送来一段他亲手砍伐的云杉木。他说,我是一名伐木工人,对加方日前在温哥华无理拘押中国公民孟晚舟女士感到愤慨。这段云杉木外形酷似象征加拿大的“北极熊”,希望以此表达我对中国人民的友好感情。作为一个加拿大人,我为加政府的错误行为向中国人民致歉。He said, “I am a lumberjack and I am indignant at the unfair detention of the Chinese citizen Ms. Meng Wanzhou in Canada. The spruce tree is in the shape of a polar bear, which is a symbol of Canada. I want to express my friendly feelings towards the Chinese people. As a Canadian, I apologize to the Chinese people for the wrong actions of the Canadian government.”连日来,许多富有正义感的加拿大普通民众不断 ………………………………

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