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FT每日英语  · 公众号  ·  · 2018-08-26 17:24
“ 研究者发现,到了105岁,人的死亡率开始趋平甚至下降。这不禁使我们发问:人类寿命是否有自然上限?1Photo credit: Getty ImagesClimb over the hill and head for the plateau. That, according to biologists, defines the path to extreme old age. Researchers announced last week that, once someone reaches 105, their chances of dying stop rising, start to level off and might even decline.翻过这座山,就是一片平原了。根据生物学家的说法,这解释了通向极端老龄的道路。研究人员上周宣布,一旦人们活到105岁,他们的死亡率就不再上升,反而开始趋平甚至下滑。Similar “late-age mortality plateaux” have been found in insects, and hinted at in rodents, but the discovery of one in humans will excite controversy. If people essentially stop ageing after becoming centenarians, it is legiti ………………………………

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