专栏名称: 瑞达利欧
瑞·达利欧 (Ray Dalio) 是世界顶级投资家,企业家,桥水基金创始人,畅销书《原则》作者。《原则》分享了帮助其有效达到目标的生活和工作原则,蝉联畅销榜首位。
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瑞达利欧  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-04-08 09:41
当你和他人能够开诚布公地就任何重要问题相互探讨、相互学习,并且督促对方追求卓越,你们之间就建立了最有意义的人际关系。当你与同事建立起这种关系,你们就能够携手共渡难关。同时,共同担负挑战性的工作会把你们拉得更近,巩固你们的情谊。这种自我增强的循环可促使你走向成功,并激励你追求更加远大的目标。The most meaningful relationships are achieved when you and others can speak openly to each other about everything that’s important, learn together, and understand the need to hold each other accountable to be as excellent as you can be. When you have such relationships with those you work with, you pull each other through challenging times; at the same time, sharing challenging work draws you closer and strengthens your relationships. This self-reinforcing cycle creates the success that allows you to pursue more and more ambitious goals.瑞·达利欧官 ………………………………

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