专栏名称: 社会学理论大缸
网址www.sociologicaltheory.cn以抢二道贩子饭碗为目标,传达学习Sociological Theory等英文期刊前沿经典有关精神,抓好摘译推送中心工作,把推动汉语社会学理论发展作为根本遵循、行动指南和精神动力个屁。
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社会学理论大缸  · 公众号  · 科研  · 2020-01-18 11:06
2013年,康奈尔大学社会学博士毕业生Mindi Schneider的博士论文:Modern meat, industrial swine: China and the remaking of agri-food politics in the 21st century她已在荷兰的赫宁根大学(Wageningen U)教书,教职是Assistant Professor of Agrarian Sociology and Rural Development(不止中国人研究中国的农村社会学~)这篇博士论文,讲的是中国人怎么养猪、吃猪肉。 She says, "Starting in 1979, pork became the most produced and consumed meat in the world. The reason for its ascent to the top of the global meat heap is simple: China. In 2010 alone, farmers and companies in China produced more than 50 million metric tons of pork, virtually all of which was sold and consumed domestically. This Chinese pork boom, which today accounts for half of all the pork in the world, is the result of a set of policies and trade agreement ………………………………

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