专栏名称: 财经十一人
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半生记忆:勿忘美国的“切尔诺贝利” | 双语阅读

财经十一人  · 公众号  · 财经  · 2019-12-08 17:31
杰夫说:“每个看过《切尔诺贝利》剧集的人都会发出‘哇,我不敢相信这是真的。’的惊呼”。每当此时他都会回答说:“哦,你是不知道美国曾经发生过什么。”By Chris RobertsHalf-Life of Memory: Unforgetting the ‘American Chernobyl’Ponder this scenario: A government builds a vital nuclear facility a short drive away from a major population center. Via an admixture of ignorance, negligence and—possibly above all—an imperative to win now and worry about the costs later, this nuclear facility releases a significant amount of potentially deadly radioactivity into the environment. Land and water are poisoned. Livestock and people are mutated. Some develop tumors and cancers. Some die.请思考这样一幅场景:政府在离中心城市只有很短车程的地方建造了一所致命的核设施。这所核设施向 ………………………………

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