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【Economist】Inner Mongolia: Herding mentality

英文杂志  · 公众号  · 英语  · 2017-06-07 09:05
中文导读占总人口90%以上的汉族本身就是长期以来多民族融合的结果,吸收和同化也是历史上的中国政府解决民族问题、维护边疆稳定的有效手段,现在也不例外。生活着四百多万蒙古族人的内蒙古自治区,尽管北邻蒙古国,但由于中央大力发展当地经济、推行汉文化,已经实现了长治久安,为中央解决新疆和西藏骚乱提供了范例,反而如何保护逐渐消失的少数民族文化成了目前的问题所在。Chinese Mongolians have become a model for assimilationBAYIN was three when he moved from the eastern grasslands of Inner Mongolia to Chifeng, a city of some 1m people. Like hundreds of thousands of ethnic Mongolian pastoralists forced to settle by the government, his family has gone from rural yurt to urban block of flats within a generation. Bayin, who is 32, ………………………………

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