专栏名称: 加措上师语录
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加措上师语录  · 公众号  · 佛学  · 2024-03-31 09:26
一天当中我们起码应该挤出十分钟的宁静,让自己有喘一口气的闲暇,有一个可以让阳光照进来的间隙。一年当中,生活在都市里的我们至少要有一个月的安静生活,否则长期陷入动荡嘈杂的生活中,会迷失方向,烦乱而浮躁。沉静下来才能真正面对问题。与自己对望,才能达到身心安泰的平安境界。---加措活佛Every day, we should squeeze in at least ten minutes of silence, breathe in a leisurely breath, and make a space to let in some sunlight. Every year, those of us who are city-dwellers should make time for at least a month of quietness. If not, we may fall into a noisy and chaotic life, losing direction and being in a constant state of agitation. It is only in the midst of silence that we can really face our problems, face ourselves, and reach a state of peace in body and mind.有缘请加我公众微信长按上图二维码即可添加 ………………………………

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