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阅读社会123  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-12-20 20:34
康熙时期釉上彩瓷器中有一种生产数量不多,艺术上文静典雅的瓷器,叫素三彩。大家熟知康熙五彩绚丽多姿,驰名中外,而素三彩作为康熙的彩瓷之一,虽然用彩方面没有五彩那么丰富,但它在清朝宫廷用瓷中地位很高,非同凡响,这主要是由于素三彩精细的工艺和高雅的艺术品位。In the Kangxi period, there was a small amount of porcelain produced in the glazed porcelain, which was called Jing Sancai. Everyone knows that Kangxi is colorful and colorful, and is well-known both at home and abroad. Susan Sancai is one of Kangxi's colorful porcelains. Although it is not as rich as colorful in color, it has a high status in the Qing Dynasty court, which is extraordinary. It is due to the fine craftsmanship and elegant art.陶瓷界将“素三彩瓷”定义为“瓷器釉上彩品种之一 ………………………………

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