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收养一只汪:它成王,你“遭殃” | 15 things that happen when you adopt a dog

CHINADAILY  · 公众号  · 时评  · 2017-10-22 16:30
▲Click 'CHINADAILY' above to follow usWhen you adopt a dog, you've met the devil and angel. Today, I will show you what your life will be like after you get a dog.你领养了一只狗狗,遇到的便是魔鬼中的天使。今天,CD君就带你了解一下养狗狗之后的生活是什么样子的。汪!(前方高能!大波萌汪正在靠近!) 1On your first day with your dog, you'll feel both euphoric and slightly panicked. This is normal.当第一天接到你的狗狗时,你会特别兴奋又有一丢丢的不知所措。放轻松啦,这很正常。"What if I don't know how to take care of her?”内心:我如果照顾不好她怎么办?嘤嘤嘤 2You may have been wanting to get a dog for years, and when you realize it's finally for real, everything changes.想要一只狗狗可能是你多年的夙愿,终于这一切都成真了,你的生活 ………………………………

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