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Come alive:在这一年的最后几天里,活起来!

時間的玩家TimeIsArt  · 公众号  ·  · 2018-12-26 21:00
時 間 の 玩 家         Time  Is Art   这是 時間の玩家 分享的第 441篇文章2018年Youth and Truth视频:《Come alive 活起来!》Ho Ho Ho吼 吼 吼 The year is coming to close一年已接近尾声 And what have you done this year?这一年里你都做了些什么? One more year gone又一年过去了 Are you still alive?你还活着吗? And what are you alive to?你对什么保持活着的觉察? What are you dead to?对什么犹如死去般地麻木? When was the last timeyou saw a full moonOr a sun rise?是否还记得最后一次见到满月是何时?或者日出? When was the last timeyou gazed at a mountain?Or the ocean?Or looked at a butterfly fly?最后一次注视高山或大海是何时?或者注视一只蝴蝶在飞舞? When was the last timeyou saw a flower blossom?Or kicked a ball?你最后一次看到 ………………………………

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