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东部战区​:埋葬一切来犯之敌丨PLA command publishes 'high alert' article, video

CHINADAILY  · 公众号  · 时评  · 2022-08-02 12:48
导读 8月1日,东部战区重磅发布:严阵以待,听令而战。埋葬一切来犯之敌,向着联战胜战前进。The People's Liberation Army's Eastern Theater Command said on Monday evening its forces are on high alert and will "engage the enemy on orders".It published a very short article and a video on its WeChat account on Monday, the 95th anniversary of the founding of the PLA. In the article the command said its forces will "bury all invaders" and "march toward victory" in joint operations.It did not elaborate on the intentions behind the brief words.In the video clip attached to the article, a number of advanced weapons are shown in training or live-fire exercise operations, ranging from the DF-15B ballistic missile to PHL-03 multiple rocket launcher and J-20 stealth fighter jet.A considerable proportion of the clip displays frontline units being mobilized to strike targets and ballistic missiles and tactical rockets flattening "enemies' structures ………………………………

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