专栏名称: 猛犸君侯
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猛犸君侯  · 微博  · 教育  · 2019-06-08 23:12
2019-06-08 23:12 本条微博链接 【50分钟英字完整版.两集连发.①】【纪录片.ZDF.欧洲探索.Expedition.Europe.S01.2019】从英国的古老悬崖到俄罗斯的冰寒极地,从摩肩接踵的城市到荒无人烟的沙漠,从远古的动物植物到现代的沧海桑田,地质学家Colin Devey走访欧洲各地,讲述亿万年来欧洲的变化。全2集,官网简介:The landscapes of Europe are as incredible as they are different. They are full of secrets and surprises.Part 1: Birth of a ContinentWe start at the oldest cliffs of the palaeocontine ………………………………

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