专栏名称: 译术人生
新达雅翻译专修学校是中国外文局旗下专业的翻译教育机构,直属于中国外文局教育培训中心,是经北京市教委批准成立的社会力量办学事业单位,专门从事多语种口笔译培训。 现开设有CATTI口笔译课程班 笔译名师班 北外高翻模式课程班 及世界名校翻译班。
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译术人生  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-08-10 08:09
You may think you’re a stickler for all things grammar-related, but don’t be surprised if you realize you’re guilty of these tricky mistakes.你可能觉得自己坚定支持语法一定要对,但是以下这些错误可能是你的死角,千万别诧异哟。 You probably mean “I couldn’t care less,” which means that you flat out don’t care at all. You care about whatever that thing is—say, grammatical errors—in the least possible amount. If you could care less, then you do care about grammatical errors a little bit, and it would technically be possible for you to care even less than you do now.可能本来想说:“我贼关心这事儿(I couldn’t care less)”,想表达自己对某语法错误事无巨细的关怀,但是其实是在说不关心语法错误。“could care less”是说你只有一点点在意语法,而且传递出以后可 ………………………………

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