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一块去旅行  · 公众号  · 旅游  · 2017-03-11 23:15
前几天,胡歌放弃如日中天的演艺事业,去美国进修导演两年,开启了自己人生中的留学生活。其实,这一决定并非空穴来风,此前他就曾发表全英文演讲,鼓励大家出国深造实现梦想!▼当时胡歌是怎么说的 胡歌英文演讲(双语全文)Good afternoon, everybody!大家下午好!I am so happy to attend this EF Education Exchange event and to hear such amazing personal stories.很高兴能来参加这个论坛,听到这么多精彩的人生故事。It makes me realize I am not alone on my journey to build a better life, as there are so many others who strive to study continuously to achieve their dreams.我意识到,在追求美好生活的路上,我并不孤单,还有这么多人也一直在为梦想而努力。Whenever I travel abroad, I often meet people from different countries and cultures.As I ………………………………

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