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无人驾驶汽车 | 经济学人精读

英语书架  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-02-14 08:30
笔记食用方法🍃建议大家先尽自己的努力阅读英语原文;了解文章结构和大体内容后,再对照精读笔记进行学习。🍃全部学习完毕后,大家可以再次阅读原文检测一下自己是否已经掌握了知识点,陌生的部分再去对照笔记加强巩固。本篇笔记节选自我们往期的精读课程后台回复:外刊,查看获取全年经济雪人外刊资源方式。Autonomous carsIt takes a villageWhy retired people could be ideal passengers in self-driving carsNew technologies, from the Walkman to the iPhone, have tended to be adopted first by the young. But when it comes to self-driving cars, the most logical early adopters are the retired. That, at least, is the conclusion reached by Voyage, a startup based in Silicon Valley. It is testing its autonomous vehicles (AVs) in The Villages, a retirement community in Flor ………………………………

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