专栏名称: 景观设计小学徒
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船说 | 长沙中海 • 阅江府(大区)

景观设计小学徒  · 公众号  ·  · 2021-06-10 11:47
文明就像是一条筑有河岸的河流。河岸上人们建立家园、相亲相爱、养育子女、歌唱、谱写诗歌,甚至创作雕塑。文明史就是对河岸上人们生活的记录。/ 项目概况 /Project Overview阅江府位于长沙市湘江新区的雅河之畔,拥有西邻洋湖生态公园、东通湘江的独特水景资源,设计师希望通过本案将绿意与水景引入场地,再塑曼妙的自然之境。Yuejiang Mansion is located on the bank of the Ya River in the Xiangjiang New District of Changsha City. It has unique waterscape resources adjacent to the Yanghu Ecological Park in the west and Xiangjiang River in the east. Therefore, the designer hopes to introduce greenery and water features into the site through this project, and then reshape the graceful natural environment. ./ 景观设计解析 /Detailed Iandscape Design源来—主入 ………………………………

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