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快讯 | 科慕与阿科玛法国的专利诉讼案有结果了!

新材料参考  · 公众号  ·  · 2018-04-19 07:37
觉得F叫兽的资讯有用就关注Chemours v. Arkema France litigation concluded2018.4.13Legal proceedings between Geneva-based Chemours International Operations Sarl and Arkema France have been resolved.在日内瓦科慕国际有限公司和阿科玛法国之间的法律程序已经解决了。Following litigation commenced in the UK High Court with action number HP-2017-000065 between Chemours International Operations Sarl (claimant) and Arkema France (defendant), the parties have agreed to a UK Consent Order dated January 2018, which revokes Arkema France’s UK designation of European patent 2,281,792 and Arkema France’s UK designation of European patent 2,289,864 and declared said UK designations of the European patents invalid.由科慕和阿科玛在英国高级法庭审理的案件HP-2017-000065,双方已经在2018年1月份达成了同意令,撤销阿科 ………………………………

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