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Medtech Responds to Chaos on the Capitol

MedWorld器械世界  · 公众号  · 医学  · 2021-01-11 11:46
Medworld器械世界为您提供准确、及时、有效的医疗器械行业及医疗圈的市场动态,产品信息,技术进展等资讯。来源:MDDISome medtech executives are speaking out about the riot at the U.S. Capitol and at least one industry head is calling for Congress to enact the 25th Amendment to remove President Donald Trump from office.Hundreds of Pro-Trump protestors stormed the Capitol forcing Vice President Mike Pence and Congress to pause the ceremonial counting of the electoral votes that would confirm President-Elect Joe Biden’s win in the November election. The mood was surreal as the entire world watched events that left four dead and scores injured at the Capitol.Shortly after violence broke out the National Association of Manufacturers President and CEO Jay Timmons put out a statement condemning the violence and calling for Vice President Penc ………………………………

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