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CHINADAILY  · 公众号  · 时评  · 2024-04-17 20:41
15日,公众号“莫言”发布了推送《莫言:今天收到了余华的投稿》。在投稿截屏中,余华头像是之前曾在网上大火的“潦草小狗”,莫言的头像也同样是一张和其本人神似的小狗。Nobel laureate Mo Yan released a post on his official Wechat account on Monday, titled "Mo Yan: Received a Submission from Yu Hua Today".In the screenshot of the submission, the avatar of Yu Hua, the esteemed contemporary Chinese author, is a "scruffy little dog" that went viral online, while Mo Yan's avatar is also a small dog, but one resembling himself.来源:莫言微信公众号截屏不少网友表示:一点开文章先被两位作家的头像可爱到了。Many netizens said they were immediately charmed by the adorable avatars of the two authors.图源:莫言微信公众号截屏此前,在韩国延世大学举办讲座中,余华也回应了网友称他为“潦草小狗”的梗。他说虽然自己当天穿着西装,但其实也 ………………………………

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