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广东发布  · 公众号  · 广东  · 2021-02-12 18:01
今天是中国农历新年的第一天,我们邀请了六大洲多国驻广州总领事们给大家送福拜年啦。他们也想和大家分享:他们除夕吃年夜饭吗?跟家人一起看春晚吗?……在今年这个特殊的年份,他们怎么过中国年呢?快看视频,看看外国领事们的中国年。This year, Newsgd.com&GDToday invite Consuls General in Guangzhou to share their plans during the Chinese New Year.How will they enjoy this great festivity? What will they be doing on New Year’s Eve? Do they have ‘年夜饭’ (New Year dinner) or watch ‘春晚’ (New Year gala) together with their family?Click the video above to find out!News大家都在看猴赛雷!广东7个节目登上央视春晚警惕!这些“微信红包”别领这些“年货”,你一定需要!来源 | 今日广东国际传播中心、南方英文网编辑 | ………………………………

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