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飞常旅客Verylvke  · 公众号  · 旅游  · 2020-05-08 16:00
动态定价、英文名Dynamic Pricing,是常旅客届令人闻风丧胆的一个名词,因为它和里程或者积分的贬值几乎可以画上等号。采取了动态定价的计划诸如达美、蓝翔和希尔顿无不是正在走在、或者已经走到了成为冥币的路上。最近IHG在国内的“积分房狂欢节”,开放之初不少人怀疑是系统出错了,后来才有消息流出这是IHG打开了动态兑换的大门。LoyaltyLobby上公布了IHG发言人的一段声明:On 23 April, IHG® Rewards Club began introducing Reward Night redemption flexibility to a select number of hotels in Greater China. This program will roll out more widely through the course of the year as appropriate.With this program update, the amount of points required for members to redeem a Reward Night will now flex up and down, just like cash rates for room bookings.简而 ………………………………

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