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【CNN】小米首款汽车 SU7 起售价 21.59 万

Robin经济学人双语精读  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-03-29 21:51
小米首款新能源汽车正式发布,一晚收到 1 亿元定金。双语阅读China’s Xiaomi joins the crowded EV race with ‘dream car’ to take on Tesla中国小米加入拥挤的电动汽车竞赛,以 "梦想汽车 "对抗特斯拉Xiaomi is scheduled to formally launch its much-anticipated electric car — the new Speed Ultra 7 (SU7) sedan — on Thursday night in Beijing.小米公司计划于本周四晚在北京正式发布其备受期待的电动汽车 — 全新(SU7)轿车。    launch 中文意思是:「启动,推出,发起」   英文解释:■to begin something such as a plan or introduce something new such as a product   例句📍The new model will be launched in July. 新型号产品将在七月推出。Lei Jun, founder and CEO of the popular Chinese smartphone brand, teased the launch this week by saying he wanted the company’s first electric vehicle to bethe “best-looking, easiest to drive, and smartest car” priced below 500,000 yua ………………………………

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