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基础口语句型 | There's no place like home是什么意思?

可可英语  · 公众号  · 英语  · 2024-03-25 08:00
音频课程文本情景会话1 好友Lucy旅行归来Zoey: How was your trip? (你的旅行怎么样?)Lucy: It was nice, but I'm glad to be home. There's no place like home.(还不错,但我很高兴回家了。还是家好。)情景会话2 同事Matt问我周末计划Matt: What are your plans for the weekend? (你周末有什么计划?)Zoey: Not much. I think I'll just stay at home and relax. There's no place like home.(没有什么特别的计划。我觉得我会在家里放松一下。家就是最舒适的地方。) ………………………………

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