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黑白007  · 简书  ·  · 2019-05-06 22:13



  • 有时候,感受幸福的正确方式是挥霍幸福。



The power of habits

Our everyday habits form our future selves.
What do you do today is one more action toward who you weill be tomorrow. When that action is replicated over the course of a week, you begin to scratch the surface of change. When that action is replicated over the course of a month, you begin to notice a slight difference. When that action is replicated over the course of a year, or two years, or five years, you may no longer recognize yourself — you will have changed, in that particular way, completely.
Do not underestimate the power of each andevery small habit, replicated over time. For good or bad, your habits determine who you will ultimately become.

Create change

Why you're doing the things that you're doing? Why do you have the bad habits that you have like when you find yourself at the same point over and over, and saying oh, there's like Groundhog Day? Why is it that I just keep landing in the same spot over and over?

Well, you have to look at it and say you know, what are the things leading up to that? What are the decisions I'm making? What are the habits that I'm doing? Why am I doing the things that I'm doing? And pretty soon you can start to recognize your own patterns. When you can recognize your own patterns that's when you can create change.

You will feel resistance, You will struggle, you will start to feel like it needs to be perfect. You're going to come up with excuses. You're going to talk yourself out of it. Why? Well, because you're used to thinking and now you're asking yourself to do. Why am I explaining what you should expect?

The reason why I'm explaining what you should expect is because it's normal to feel those things. It's normal to feel scared. It's normal to feel like you don't want to do it. It's normal to think about doing it perfect. Letting those things stop you is a choice.

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