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《我和我的家乡》:笑抽了的“自助餐”丨Weekend Movies

CHINADAILY  · 公众号  · 时评  · 2020-10-04 16:46
Yesterday, My People, My Homeland overtook the animated hit Legend of Deification to top the country's box-office charts during the National Day holiday.昨天,《我和我的家乡》终于超过《姜子牙》,“逆袭”成为这个国庆档的票房冠军。For me, it's not a surprise. As a follow-up of last National Day blockbuster My People, My Country, the new film is produced with the same formula. The movie gathers seven directors to helm five stories under the same theme, and also joins hands of a lot of celebrities.对我而言,这并不意外。毕竟,作为去年国庆档爆款大片《我和我的祖国》的姊妹篇,这部新片是用“同款秘方”炮制,一样的大牌明星云集,一样是七位导演用五个独立故事,书写同一篇“命题作文”。When the film held the Beijing premiere on Sept 29, many celebrities came to promote t ………………………………

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