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英文巴士  · 公众号  ·  · 2023-01-03 23:57
Ambassador Qin Gang Bids Farewell to People of the United States秦刚大使向全美各界道别On January 2, Ambassador Qin Gang bid farewell to people of various sectors of the United States on Twitter. The full tweet is as follows:当地时间1月2日,秦刚大使通过社交媒体(推特)向美国各界人士道别,全文如下:I am completing my duty as Chinese Ambassador to the United States. I came to assume office in 2021 at a time of severe challenges for China-US relations.我即将结束中国驻美大使任期。前年到任时,中美关系面临着诸多严峻挑战。During my tenure here, I have been working to implement the common understandings of our two Presidents, serve as a bridge and bond of communication between the two countries, and explore the right way to get along for China and the US in the new era.到任以来,我认真落实两国元首共识,努力做中美之间沟通的桥梁和纽带,致力于探索中美之间正确的相处 ………………………………

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