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Women Beaten by Man in Restaurant for Refusing His Advances

GBACommunity  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-04-04 19:43
▲Click above to subscribe 点击上方蓝字关注我们A video of two young women in Neijiang, southwestern China's Sichuan Province, getting beaten by a 56-year-old man in a restaurant after they rejected his unwanted advances has reignited debates about women's rights and protection in public spaces.‍Ms. Li, one of the victims told reporters that she and her best friend were having a late night snack at a restaurant on April 3.She said there were three men who were drinking alcohol at a table next to theirs. One of the older men approched Li's table and asked them to join the men for a drink."He said he would pay us as long as we drank with them, but we refused," Li said.He kept repeating the same thing over and over again only to be refused. However, Li said, their refusals seemed to fall on deaf ears, or as if the two parties were not speaking the same language.To break the man's fortress of adamant, according to Li, the two agreed to accompany him only if he ………………………………

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