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麦音乐  · 公众号  · 音乐  · 2018-10-23 22:29
曲名:Carry On歌手:Fun.所属专辑:Some Nights发行年代:2012风格:流行摇滚“歌词摘要:Well I woke up to the sound of silence我意识到寂静对我是如此重要The cars were cutting like knives in a fist fight但当汽车如同小刀般划破了那片寂静时And I found you with a bottle of wine我却发现你手握酒瓶,倒在街头Your head in the curtains你将头掩盖于窗帘之下and heart like the fourth of July却仍盖不住你那汹涌澎湃的心潮(7.4为美国独立日,心情应当是激动)You swore and said, we are not你曾因绝望起誓,断定我们不能We are not shining stars我们难以成为那闪耀的明星This I know, I never said we are我也深知这点,因此我从未说过此等妄语Though I've never been through hell like that尽管我未曾经历地狱般的磨难与痛苦I've closed enough windows但 ………………………………

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