专栏名称: 市川新田三丁目
撷樱国府台 垂钓江户川 本号主人曾外派某国有银行东京支店从事外汇交易和拆放交易,目前工作与交易无关,但仍在跟踪国际市场各大类资产动向,并经常对市场热点做一些点评,捎带着聊聊日本近况,义务宣传第二故乡千叶县市川市的大事小情
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市川新田三丁目  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-09-27 07:31
译者  王为文中黑字部分为原文,蓝字部分为译文,红字部分为译者注释或补充说明Who Could Have Known: What The Repo Fiasco Entailsby Michael Lebowitz and Jack Scott Imagine approaching a friend that you think is very wealthy and asking her to borrow ten thousand dollars for just one night. To entice her, you offer as collateral the title to your 2019 Lexus parked in her driveway along with an interest rate that is 5% above that which she is earning in the bank. Shockingly, your friend says she can’t. Given the risk-free nature of the transaction and excellent one-day profit, we can assume that our friend may not be as wealthy as we thought.假设你有一个朋友,你认为他很有钱,你向他开口借1万块,今天借明天还。为了让他感到放心,你承诺将自己的2019年最新款雷克萨斯轿车停在他们家楼下作抵 ………………………………

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