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计算机类 | 中低难度国际会议信息6条

Call4Papers  · 公众号  · 科研  · 2019-04-18 08:31
计算机网络ICI 2019 International Symposium on Intercloud and IoT全文截稿: 2019-05-10开会时间: 2019-08-26会议难度: ★★CCF分类: 无会议地点: Istanbul, Turkey网址:http://www.ficloud.org/ici2019/Intercloud aims to create a cloud of clouds in order to enable interconnection between heterogeneous clouds. Objectives are to share resources, support extreme workload, efficiently process big data and place data and compute power closer to places where they are needed more. Intercloud can also minimise the vendor lock-in problem so that users can use services offered by multiple clouds.  Intercloud can be used in a wide spectrum of applications including the IoT. For instance, according to the Cisco's Internet of Things Business Unit, Cisco plans to enhance IoT services through Intercloud in order to localise compute power and data processing where these ar ………………………………

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