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伊洛  · 公众号  · 医学  · 2021-02-06 23:47
赛诺菲中国区在集采影响下,连续4个季度下滑后,也因为2019年4季度首轮集采扩展到全国造成的低基数(-21%),2020年4季度终于恢复正增长到9.9%至4.9亿欧元~38亿人民币。2020年全年24.5亿欧元~191亿人民币下滑7.7%,占全球6.8%。之前集采产品逐季度的销售额及增速参考前文。观察集采实质影响最佳样本——赛诺菲逐季度销售额情况 中国区波利维2020年下滑52%至26.5亿人民币、安博维下降33%至14.8亿。中国区相关内容纪要Fabrazyme® was launched in China in May and is the first treatment for Fabry disease approved in China.Dupixent® was approved in China for the treatment of adults with moderate-to-severe AD in June and will be listed on the NRDL (National Reimbursement Drug List) as of March 2021.Full-year 2020 Lantus® sales decreased 8.5%, mainly due to low ………………………………

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