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The 2nd Global Youth Bilingual Announcing and Anchoring Contest

CHINADAILY  · 公众号  · 时评  · 2024-05-14 15:00
活动宗旨 / Contest Objective双语是链接中外的纽带,主持是讲述故事的桥梁,主播已经成为全球新媒体行业的新职业。以“挖掘和培养优秀的双语主持、主播人才,推广双语主持主播文化”为目的,以“促进语言交流和跨文化传播”为宗旨,中国传媒大学全球双语主播主持大赛向全球青年发出邀请!Bilingual approach has proven to be highly effective in cross-cultural communication. Bilingual hosts are known for their engaging storytelling, and bilingual anchoring has emerged as a popular profession in the global new media industry. This contest is designed to discover and nurture talented bilingual announcers, hosts, and anchors, with the goal of promoting language exchange and cross-cultural communication. The Communication University of China now warmly invites young people from around the world to participate in the Second Global Youth Broadcast Announcing and Anchoring Contest.组织 ………………………………

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