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笑来  · 公众号  ·  · 2021-11-10 12:53
元宇宙这个概念最近有点烫(too hot)。The concept of metaverse has been a little hot lately (too hot).新词汇都有这样的特征,由于它自身定义不清,于是民众的理解也千奇百怪,一千个人的眼里,有一百万个哈姆雷特 —— 为什么呢?因为每个人在每时每刻都有可能改变自己的理解。This is exactly the characteristic of a new vocabulary - it is understood by the public in a plethora of ways, merely because of its lack of precise definition. An there are a million Hamlets in the eyes of a thousand people - why? Because everyone can change their meaning or understanding at every moment.看看 Wikipedia 上的那个模糊无比的定义吧:Take a look at the incredibly vague definition on Wikipedia:Metaverse(“meta-” 和 “universe” 的谐音)是一种假设的互联网迭代,通过传统的个人 ………………………………

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