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英式没品笑话百科  · 公众号  ·  · 2021-03-15 21:00
       ☆Experience what 10 years of marriage feels like by telling a deaf person about your day as they scroll through facebook on their phone.体验结婚10年的感受:对着一个低头玩手机的聋哑人讲述自己的一天。——Weaverdog☆Birthing pools are really popular in China nowadays.They make the whole childbirth experience much more relaxed and less painful, plus they're really handy if the baby turns out to be a girl.分娩池现在在中国很受欢迎。首先分娩池让整个分娩过程变得轻松、减轻痛苦,而且如果婴儿恰巧是女孩,也会很好处理。——NiggerFarage☆George Floyd family get $27m in damagesSo I've asked the copper next door to choke my wife, and we'll split the money when he gets out乔治·弗洛伊德的家人将获得2700万美金的赔偿。于是我让隔壁的警察把我老婆掐死,等他出狱我 ………………………………

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