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加措上师语录  · 公众号  · 佛学  · 2024-05-15 08:27
人类在不断进步的同时也有更多的执念在发展,人们可能对某种喜好某个目标 某些欲望,有很深的执念。 当现实达不到这个根深蒂固的念头时,就容易产生更多焦虑和痛苦。其实执念本身就是一种痛苦,因为轮回本就没有完美的事物,执念会随着欲望不断升级带来更多痛苦。 试着放下执念,会发现很多不曾留意和珍惜的美好,放下执念,我们才会在生活和修行的路上前进的更好。 ---加措活佛Those things that we stubbornly refuse to let go of have seldom to do with the items, events, or people themselves; what we really cannot let go of are simply our own inner conflicts and doubts. When we let go of the clouds that we are trying to hold on to, what we are left with are open blue skies. Letting go is the way to open the shackles of our spirits; each time we are able to do it, we ascend to a higher state of being. Letting go is a great wisdom, and requires g ………………………………

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