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Simon Lehner 作品集

摸摸艺术书  · 公众号  · 摄影  · 2020-01-15 16:38
How far is a lightyear?The title stems from a question I asked my father when I was a kid and the time that has passed since he left my family but is also a reference to the medium of photography.The series uses 3D Scans/Renderings consisting of the only images I took and have of my father dating back to 2005, indicating emotional and physical distance. Through this method, I now have the chance to reconstruct him and make my father tangible with the imagery I have left as I try to make a portrait without physical contact. Approximately 12299e14 kilometers of traveling light since I pressed the shutter of the camera in 2005.Incorporated in the 3D scans are childhood drawings, memories and fantasies which hint at fears and dreams as a kid, the longing for a father but simultaneously resentment due to his actions.As children, we try to imitate certain characteristics of parents and ………………………………

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