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外宣微记  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-03-23 19:41
出品 | 外宣微记           欢迎转发朋友圈,转载全文请申请授权      英国凯特王妃22日通过录播视频向外界宣布身患癌症的消息。视频一出,多家主流外媒发表评论文章,质问近段时间不断散播阴谋论的小报:《华盛顿邮报》《今日美国》《大西洋月刊》这三篇评论文章观点相似,笔法各有千秋,但文中的夸张和隐喻表达都令人印象深刻。比如《今日美国》这一段写得十分幽默:In case you have been living under the heaviest, most remote rock in the world, Kate underwent surgery in January and announced a months-long retreat from public life to recover. That story didn't sit well with the public or the media, and they came up with 9,234,923,089 other reasons for her absence. (USA Today)不要数了,9,234,923,089 这一串数字大概是作者怀着愤怒的心情在键盘上胡乱敲出来的,和“飞流直下三千尺”中的“三千尺”一 ………………………………

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