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新作 | 汽车超人:杭州金固中心 / 零壹城市

ZaomeDesign  · 公众号  · 设计  · 2024-05-06 09:30
由零壹城市建筑事务所为金固集团设计的“汽车超人”——金固中心现已正式落成。项目位于杭州银湖科技新城核心,总建筑面积 92,010.23 ㎡,包含总部,办公,商业,接待等功能。"AutoFuturist Complex"—Jingu Center, designed by LYCS Architecture for Jingu Group, has officially been completed. Located in the heart of Hangzhou's Yinhu Sci-tech City, the project spans a total construction area of 92,010.23 square meters. It includes facilities for headquarters, office spaces, commercial areas, and reception services.金固股份(002488)是聚焦汽车车轮生产的高新技术企业,多年来致力于车轮的轻量化研发和制造,产品远销到欧、美、东南亚等国家和地区,被中国汽车工业协会评选为“中国汽车零部件车轮行业龙头企业”。Jingu Group (002488) is a high-tech enterprise specializing in producing automobile wheels, focusing on the research, development, and manufa ………………………………

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