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每日学英语  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-02-21 21:00
reach for the stars字面意思是伸手摘星星,实际意思是to want or try to get something that is difficult or impossible to get追求难以实现的东西;要做比登天还难的事情;心比天高,延伸出“追寻远大目标”的意思。比如说His parents always taught him to dream big and reach for the stars.他的父母总是教导他要勇敢作梦、立志高远。"Reaching for the stars" is a good term to use when you want to motivate someone to dosomething difficult.当你想激励某人去做困难的事情时,reaching for the stars是一个很好的表达。往期精选21 Feb 2024☝ Hayley教口语,“帖子”用英语怎么说?✌ Hayley教口语,“那样好多了”用英语怎么说?👌 Hayley教口语,“美貌只是肤浅的”用英语怎么说?————  每日学英语  ————可以在线查词、翻译、学习精彩英语短句、搜索大量英语学习资料点点点,赞和在看都在这儿! ………………………………

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