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Varian Is in Bold New Territory with Acquisition

MedWorld器械世界  · 公众号  · 医学  · 2019-05-17 16:01
Medworld器械世界为您提供准确、及时、有用的医疗器械行业及医疗圈的市场动态,产品信息,技术进展等资讯!来源:Business of MDDIVarian Medical Systems’ latest acquisition has the cancer care solutions-specialist entering into new territory. The Palo Alto, CA-based company is picking up CyberHeart, a firm with intellectual property (IP) that covers the use of radiation in the heart (cardiac radioablation) and other forms of radiosurgery for cardiovascular disease.The two companies did not disclose the amount.“This is a new area and Varian is excited about the potential application of stereotactic radioablation to the cardiac space – specifically treating patients who are suffering from irregular heartbeats,” Dee Khuntia, CMO at Varian, told MD+DI. “Based on the articles we have seen in the New England Journal of Medicine and i ………………………………

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