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今天的头条留给中国女足!摧坚决胜,再战东京丨Heroic Wang books China's Tokyo ticket

CHINADAILY  · 公众号  · 时评  · 2021-04-14 12:31
导读 北京时间4月13日傍晚,东京奥运会女足亚洲区预选赛附加赛次回合,中国女足在上半场落后2球的情况下,通过加时赛主场2比2战平韩国女足,以总比分4比3取得两回合比赛的胜利,历史上第六次杀进奥运会。Last night, "The China's women's football team scored Tokyo's ticket" became a hot topic on Sina Weibo, and the hashtag has been viewed more than 780 million times as of Wednesday noon. Under this hashtag, millions are congratulating the team for their hard-won victory.Overcome with emotion, Wang Shuang sank to her knees and cried tears of joy as her Team China teammates rushed to celebrate with their savior.After a nerve-jangling 120 minutes of soccer — and a roller-coaster last year and a half for Wuhan native Wang — the outpouring of emotion was hardly surprising.▲ Wang Shuang celebrates after sc ………………………………

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