专栏名称: 可可英语
清晨朗读会  ·  渊源直播·  3 天前  
清晨朗读会  ·  渊源直播·  4 天前  
今天看啥  ›  专栏  ›  可可英语


可可英语  · 公众号  · 英语  · 2019-09-29 18:31
部门聚会 department partyA: Salas,could you arrange a department party on Friday evening?B: No problem.I will order tables and meals.A: Do not forget to give me the list of our guests.B: Ok.It'll be ready soon.生日聚会 birthday partyA: Today is Tom's birthday, could we have a party in our department?B: Yes,we could. We're planning to have a birthday party for everyone in our department.欢迎会 welcome partyA: Mr.Smith will come to our department to instruct us in the experiment.B: Let's hold a party to welcome him.部门所有员工 staff in the departmentA: Congratulations for the success of your business strategy.B: Thank you very much. The Staff in our department appreciate your suggestions.感谢你们对我们工作的支持。Thank you for supporting us.A: Welcome to our engineering department party. Thank you for supporting us.B: Thank you for inviting us. Let's r ………………………………

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